Installing the package

As for now, the package is yet to find its way into CRAN. However, you can use our alternative repo that enables you to use R’s install.packages():

install.packages("gadgetr", repos = "")

Or, you can download and install from the pre-compiled binaries here:

Or, you might want to compile it from the source available in Github:

devtools::install_github("REDUS-IMR/gadget", ref="gadgetr")

Running the example Haddock model

This guide demonstrates gadgetr’s capability of controlling a gadget model run and extracting relevant information during the run. To run simulations, GadgetR requires a gadget model as ‘input’ (normally a set of text files). In this tutorial, we demonstrate how you set up and run GadgetR simulations using a simple haddock model by James Begley.

Loading the package

After installing, the following command will load the library.


Loading the example model

The library ships with an example haddock model. What we need to do is calling loadExample() to obtain the full path of the model.

# Get the path of the example haddock data
exPath <- gadgetr::loadExample()
#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/gadgetr/extdata/haddock"

To initialize a gadgetR run, we have to specify the full path of the model folder and input (parameter) file. In the example model, the input file is the file named  refinputfile.

# Initiate the haddock model
gadgetr::initGadget(exPath, "refinputfile")
#> Gadget version 2.2.00-BETA running on fv-az82 Tue Sep 15 12:17:30 2020
#> Starting Gadget from directory: /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/gadgetr/extdata/haddock
#> using data from directory: /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/gadgetr/extdata/haddock
#> Finished reading model data files, starting to run simulation
#> [1] "Gadget is started with the given model in /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/gadgetr/extdata/haddock."

The initGadget() function instructs gadget to load the model and preparing the internal data structure. If successful, the model is now ready to be run.

Printing the model ecosystem information

Now that the model is loaded, we can inspect some of the important objects in the simulation. The getEcosystemInfo() is a useful function that provides this type of information.

# Get the initial information
initial <- gadgetr::getEcosystemInfo()
#> $fleet
#> [1] "comm"   "survey" "future"
#> $stock
#> [1] "had"
#> $time
#> currentTime currentYear currentStep  totalSteps    finished 
#>           1        1978           1         172           0

# Print start year
#> currentYear 
#>        1978
# Print initial step number
#> currentTime 
#>           1
# Print final step number
#> totalSteps 
#>        172

Moving the simulation forward

As we can see in the previous section, the example haddock model has a certain number of simulation steps. Now let’s loop through the time steps while collecting the important metrics from the fleets and the stocks.

The package provides two alternative functions to forward the simulation time. These functions are runStep() and runYear(), which forward the simulation by step and year, respectively. Both functions return the metrics from both stocks and fleets objects at a particular step or year.

# Variable for counting step
lengthStep <- 1

# Loop for all steps
stats <- list()
while (TRUE){
  # Append stats
  stats[[lengthStep]] <- gadgetr::runStep()
  # Stop at the end of time
  status <- gadgetr::getEcosystemInfo()
  if(status[["time"]]["finished"] == 1) break
  lengthStep <- lengthStep + 1

#> [1] 172

# Get termination information
term <- gadgetr::getEcosystemInfo()

# Print end year
#> currentYear 
#>        2020
print(initial$time["currentYear"] + (lengthStep / 4) - 1)
#> currentYear 
#>        2020

# Print last step number
#> currentTime 
#>         172
#> [1] 172

In the above code, a condition status[["time"]]["finished"] == 1 terminates the loop. The getEcosystemInfo() gives an updated status of the model run whenever it is called. It also gives information whether the simulation has reached to an end.

You may also safely replace the runStep() with runYear() in the above code. However, the metrics content in the stats objects will not be broke down into steps as you might have with runStep() function. This is because runYear() function will aggregate the steps’ metrics from the model’s objects.

Inspecting the simulation output

The greatest advantage of this package is its ability to extract and modify information directly from/to the gadget’s internal runtime objects in memory. This will save users from tinkering with the gadget model configuration files and also it output printing files.

This guide won’t cover the on-the-fly modification of a gagdet internal objects. However, the code below should demonstrates the package’s capability to extract gadget information.

# Print out all status
#> [1] "fleets" "stocks"
#> [1] "had"
#> [1] "comm"   "survey" "future"

# Print haddock stock in step 1
#> [1] "stk" "ssb" "rec" "eat"
#>        year step area age length    number meanWeights
#> [855,] 1978    1    1  10   84.5 2167.5906    5.438262
#> [856,] 1978    1    1  10   85.5 1641.8743    5.618887
#> [857,] 1978    1    1  10   86.5 1228.4031    5.803317
#> [858,] 1978    1    1  10   87.5  907.7792    5.991590
#> [859,] 1978    1    1  10   88.5  662.6098    6.183739
#> [860,] 1978    1    1  10   89.5  477.7205    6.379800

# Print haddock recruitment in step 1
#> [1] "renew" "spawn"
#>       year step area age length renewalNumber renewalWeight
#> [19,] 1978    1    1   1   22.5  544218.20585     0.1167141
#> [20,] 1978    1    1   1   23.5  134136.30078     0.1327542
#> [21,] 1978    1    1   1   24.5   27135.19955     0.1502071
#> [22,] 1978    1    1   1   25.5    4505.39788     0.1691329
#> [23,] 1978    1    1   1   26.5     613.96938     0.1895923
#> [24,] 1978    1    1   1   27.5      68.67105     0.2116456
#> <0 x 0 matrix>

# Print haddock catch by commercial fleet in step 1
#> [1] "comm"   "survey" "future"
#> [1] "had"
#>        year step area age length numberConsumed biomassConsumed mortality
#> [425,] 1978    1    1  10   78.5      943.42925       4248.9201 0.2418700
#> [426,] 1978    1    1  10   80.5      613.50613       2961.1357 0.2419795
#> [427,] 1978    1    1  10   82.5      379.73514       1960.9355 0.2420509
#> [428,] 1978    1    1  10   84.5      223.72674       1234.1016 0.2420975
#> [429,] 1978    1    1  10   86.5      125.47149        738.1895 0.2421279
#> [430,] 1978    1    1  10   88.5       66.98412        419.7142 0.2421477

Terminating the model run

After each simulation, it is necessary for users to properly terminate an active gadget simulation run. Use the code below when you finish with a simulation run or if you want to restart the current model or loading a new model.

# Sim cleanup
#> [1] "Gadget succesfully terminates."

The endGadget() function will remove all gadget internal runtime objects from memory and ensure gadget library is ready to start another simulation run.