Forward simulation for a year and collect the stats. For the stocks, the output consists of stock number (stk), spawning stock biomass (ssb), recruitment number (rec), and predatory information which are categorized by preys (stock names). Please note that the stock number can be collected in either before or after the step by using the stockAfterStep parameter. For the fleets, the output consists of only the predatory information which are categorized by preys (stock names).

runStep(stockAfterStep = FALSE)



Tells the function to collect stock information after the step if TRUE, Default: FALSE


list of fleets and stocks statistics (in matrix format) for the current step run


if (FALSE) { if(interactive()){ exPath <- loadExample() initGadget(exPath, "refinputfile") stat <- runStep(stockAfterStep = TRUE) print(stat) stat <- runStep(stockAfterStep = FALSE) print(stat) endGadget() } }