4 REDUSTOOLS Standalone Example

This guide shows you a step-by-step guide on how to run a standalone REDUStools with an XML recipe to process a survey time series.

4.1 Preparing the master recipe

For this example we will use an the Barents Sea capelin acoustic abundance estimate in autumn survey time series. Below is an example recipe and we save the xml into assets/barents_sea_capelin_acoustic_autumn.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<redus_master xmlns="http://www.imr.no/formats/redus/master/v0.1" revision="1" version="0.1">
    <!-- <fileFix from="biotic_cruiseNumber_1994001_Anny+Kræmer.xml" to="biotic_cruiseNumber_1994001_Anny+Kræmer.xml"/> -->
  <parameters sts="Barents Sea capelin acoustic abundance estimate in autumn" revision="1" version="0.1">
      <stsName>Barents Sea capelin acoustic abundance estimate in autumn</stsName>
      <!-- <parameter name="UseProcessData">true</parameter> -->

4.2 Running the process

4.2.1 Setup

First, we setup and install the necessary packages. Setting up the environment is necessary, otherwise by default REDUStools will try to use the /data/REDUS directory which might not available in your running platform.

remotes::install_github("SEA2DATA/Rstox", ref="develop")
# Without the below command, the result data will be put in /data/REDUS directory
# or  REDUStools:::getConfig()$root.dir
# Setting it to "docker" means we will use the current active directory
Sys.setenv(R_CONFIG_ACTIVE = "docker")

4.2.2 Process

Now we process the survey time series. Wait for a while as it can take some time to finish. In the end we will print out the processing status.

# Run process!
status <- REDUStools::processRstoxSTS("assets/barents_sea_capelin_acoustic_autumn.xml")

4.2.3 Examine data

After the above is finised, let’s load the data to examine it.

# Get the data
stsdata <-  REDUStools::loadSTS("Barents Sea capelin acoustic abundance estimate in autumn")

# Get the metadata
## $stsName
## [1] "Barents Sea capelin acoustic abundance estimate in autumn"
## $overwriteNMD
## [1] "false"
## $forceReProcess
## [1] "true"
## $forceBioticV3
## [1] "true"
## $skipYear
## [1] ""
## $startYear
## [1] "2018"
## $endYear
## [1] "2019"
## $levelRequested
## [1] "bootstrapImpute"
## $bootstrapSeed
## [1] "77"
## $bootstrapImputeSeed
## [1] "101"
## $bootstrapIter
## [1] "5"
## $coresUse
## [1] "1"
## $groupType
## [1] "age"
## $minAge
## [1] "1"
## $maxAge
## [1] "12"
## $plusAge
## [1] "7"
## $numberScale
## [1] "1000000"
## $dataType
## [1] "survey"
## $applyOverrides
## [1] "false"
## $buildTime
## [1] "Wed Sep 22 10:48:40 2021"
## $masterRev
## [1] "da572dd7aa46857b9cddc98ef4ad72df79f8fe2c"
## $rstoxRev
## [1] "41beebdf85a1b6c0b29b8e436b6f42d2d738d6a6"
## $rstoxVer
## [1] "1.11.1"
## $RVer
## [1] "R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)"
# Get the data
##     year .id age       Ab.Sum   Weight.Sum
##  1: 2018   1  NA           NA           NA
##  2: 2018   1   0 1.858158e+08    454321187
##  3: 2018   1   1 5.658849e+10 267453782819
##  4: 2018   1   2 5.127899e+10 722402520609
##  5: 2018   1   3 1.940289e+10 455744734005
##  6: 2018   1   4 6.479721e+07   1620497372
##  7: 2018   1   5           NA           NA
##  8: 2018   2  NA           NA           NA
##  9: 2018   2   0           NA           NA
## 10: 2018   2   1 7.047482e+10 349774718001
## 11: 2018   2   2 6.908417e+10 947886811679
## 12: 2018   2   3 2.261514e+10 522400804296
## 13: 2018   2   4 6.114607e+08  18433955563
## 14: 2018   2   5           NA           NA
## 15: 2018   3  NA           NA           NA
## 16: 2018   3   0 2.603217e+08    520643347
## 17: 2018   3   1 4.544111e+10 215385339537
## 18: 2018   3   2 6.386157e+10 911724193299
## 19: 2018   3   3 2.324392e+10 550167185382
## 20: 2018   3   4 3.316548e+08   9108207475
## 21: 2018   3   5 6.766864e+05     24360709
## 22: 2018   4  NA           NA           NA
## 23: 2018   4   0 1.332267e+08    205449264
## 24: 2018   4   1 7.506643e+10 394085788882
## 25: 2018   4   2 7.204304e+10 916212362924
## 26: 2018   4   3 1.788082e+10 378488646657
## 27: 2018   4   4 3.223851e+08   8599669368
## 28: 2018   4   5 3.915266e+06    133119057
## 29: 2018   5  NA 5.228091e+06    240492163
## 30: 2018   5   0 1.697118e+08    339423576
## 31: 2018   5   1 5.468721e+10 261815864238
## 32: 2018   5   2 5.142159e+10 673885776263
## 33: 2018   5   3 1.139378e+10 232508748394
## 34: 2018   5   4 1.347231e+08   3608628164
## 35: 2018   5   5 2.481954e+06     90591328
## 36: 2019   1  NA 6.167043e+07   1490637572
## 37: 2019   1   1 1.974878e+10  85465126380
## 38: 2019   1   2 1.445034e+10 210927048730
## 39: 2019   1   3 9.356174e+09 224004815530
## 40: 2019   1   4 1.947998e+09  52440068749
## 41: 2019   1   5           NA           NA
## 42: 2019   2  NA 3.952683e+07    928175090
## 43: 2019   2   1 2.009545e+10  79761515603
## 44: 2019   2   2 1.434316e+10 203721867124
## 45: 2019   2   3 7.205293e+09 179309120691
## 46: 2019   2   4 1.378739e+09  35294581838
## 47: 2019   2   5 5.876453e+07   1126320196
## 48: 2019   3  NA 1.016105e+07    161258027
## 49: 2019   3   1 1.939539e+10 107353585833
## 50: 2019   3   2 6.151520e+09  85506300359
## 51: 2019   3   3 4.102326e+09  90292191890
## 52: 2019   3   4 8.883581e+08  22206357748
## 53: 2019   3   5           NA           NA
## 54: 2019   4  NA 1.932162e+07     97710541
## 55: 2019   4   1 1.969037e+10 113019879620
## 56: 2019   4   2 7.499155e+09 108603894416
## 57: 2019   4   3 4.110904e+09  90754185897
## 58: 2019   4   4 7.817540e+08  18208339390
## 59: 2019   4   5           NA           NA
## 60: 2019   5  NA 5.635425e+07            0
## 61: 2019   5   1 1.968001e+10  93567753075
## 62: 2019   5   2 1.324392e+10 179881310966
## 63: 2019   5   3 5.883584e+09 140796382520
## 64: 2019   5   4 9.236369e+08  22534407539
## 65: 2019   5   5 6.404967e+06    118491889
##     year .id age       Ab.Sum   Weight.Sum
# Get the data (lengthgroup-based)
##       year .id LenGrp age     Ab.Sum  Weight.Sum
##    1: 2018   1      8  NA         NA          NA
##    2: 2018   1      8   0  185815828   454321187
##    3: 2018   1      8   1 6278731952 13913299442
##    4: 2018   1      8   2         NA          NA
##    5: 2018   1      8   3         NA          NA
##   ---                                           
## 1676: 2019   5     20   1         NA          NA
## 1677: 2019   5     20   2         NA          NA
## 1678: 2019   5     20   3         NA          NA
## 1679: 2019   5     20   4         NA          NA
## 1680: 2019   5     20   5         NA          NA
# Note that ".id" column means the bootstrap id number (see in the .xml file for the number of bootstrap done)

4.2.4 (Optional) Making a nice single page visualization

You can generate a nice static page with graphs and tables (also in PDF and CSV formats) by running this piece of code below.

# Now make a nice multi-format output:
REDUStools:::createStaticOutput("Barents Sea capelin acoustic abundance estimate in autumn", "./out")

# Point your browser to:
# ./out/Barents Sea capelin acoustic abundance estimate in autumn/output/index.html

Below is an example of the output. The full output contains many other output formats.


Age group ( x 1e+06 )
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5
2018 187 . 27 60451 . 61 61537 . 87 18907 . 31 293 . 00 2 . 36
2019 0 . 00 19722 . 00 11137 . 62 6131 . 66 1184 . 10 32 . 58


Age group (in grams)
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5
2018 2 . 03 4 . 92 13 . 56 22 . 63 28 . 24 35 . 07
2019 0 . 00 4 . 86 14 . 16 23 . 65 25 . 45 19 . 10


param value
1 buildTime Wed Sep 22 10:48:40 2021
2 masterRev da572dd7aa46857b9cddc98ef4ad72df79f8fe2c
3 rstoxRev 41beebdf85a1b6c0b29b8e436b6f42d2d738d6a6
4 rstoxVer 1.11.1
5 RVer R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)