2 REDUS Framework (R Script) User Manual

This manual will guide you to prepare an assessment to be run in the REDUS framework by using only R scripting methods.

2.1 Pre-requisites

To be able to follow this guide, you must have these components ready on your system:

  1. A working Docker installation (https://www.docker.com/get-started).

  2. An R application.

  3. R package yaml, git2r, jsonlite and bibtex installed.

    install.packages(c("yaml", "git2r", "jsonlite","bib2df"))
    ## Installing packages into '/home/runner/work/_temp/Library'
    ## (as 'lib' is unspecified)
    ## also installing the dependencies 'sys', 'fansi', 'pkgconfig', 'purrr', 'cli', 'crayon', 'utf8', 'askpass', 'ellipsis', 'generics', 'lifecycle', 'R6', 'tibble', 'tidyselect', 'vctrs', 'pillar', 'Rcpp', 'curl', 'mime', 'openssl', 'dplyr', 'humaniformat', 'httr'

2.2 Getting the REDUS Framework container template

First, we need to download the REDUS Framework container template from Github. This template provides the skeleton that will automate the assessment processing. The template is available at https://github.com/REDUS-IMR/docker-redus-pipeline.

# (Optional) Set a working directory

# Clone the template
git2r::clone("https://github.com/REDUS-IMR/docker-redus-pipeline.git", "redus-framework")
## cloning into 'redus-framework'...
## Receiving objects:   2% (1/43),    8 kb
## Receiving objects:  11% (5/43),    8 kb
## Receiving objects:  23% (10/43),    8 kb
## Receiving objects:  32% (14/43),    8 kb
## Receiving objects:  41% (18/43),    8 kb
## Receiving objects:  51% (22/43),    8 kb
## Receiving objects:  62% (27/43),    8 kb
## Receiving objects:  72% (31/43),    8 kb
## Receiving objects:  81% (35/43),    8 kb
## Receiving objects:  93% (40/43),    8 kb
## Receiving objects: 100% (43/43),    8 kb, done.
## Local:    master /tmp/RtmpojiQXs/redus-framework
## Remote:   master @ origin (https://github.com/REDUS-IMR/docker-redus-pipeline.git)
## Head:     [e99d35b] 2020-03-09: Put results in tmp to be picked by nginx path
# Go into redus-framework/projects as we will mostly work from this directory

2.3 Prepare an ID

Before preparing the assessment files, you must write a unique ID for the framework run in a file named id.conf in the redus-framework/projects directory. This ID is necessary for the several web services in the container to run.

ID <- "0000"

fileConn <- file("id.conf")
writeLines(ID, fileConn)

2.4 Get the assessment bundle (code and data)

REDUS Framework works best with any ICES TAF -based assessment bundles. However, any assessment bundles from stockassessment.org will work too with some slight modifications.

REDUS Framework Github repository provides two example assessments for users to tryout:

  1. North East Artic Cod in 2018 (TAF based) [link]
  2. Norwegian Sea Herring in 2019 (Stockassessment.org based) [link]

Read more about converting your own assessment into REDUS Framework in this guide (TODO).

For this example let’s use the NEA Cod 2018 Assessment.

# Download from Github
download.file("https://github.com/REDUS-IMR/redus-framework/raw/master/extra/neacod-2018.tgz", "neacod-2018.tgz")

# See the content of the file
untar("neacod-2018.tgz", list = TRUE)
##  [1] "neacod-2018/"                                     
##  [2] "neacod-2018/data.R"                               
##  [3] "neacod-2018/output.R"                             
##  [4] "neacod-2018/model.R"                              
##  [5] "neacod-2018/README.md"                            
##  [6] "neacod-2018/report.R"                             
##  [7] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/"                           
##  [8] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/"                   
##  [9] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/"              
## [10] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/nm.dat"        
## [11] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/cw.dat"        
## [12] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/cn.dat"        
## [13] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/mo.dat"        
## [14] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/nmOldAdj.dat"  
## [15] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/pcc.zip"       
## [16] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/pm.dat"        
## [17] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/pf.dat"        
## [18] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/survey.dat"    
## [19] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/lf.dat"        
## [20] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/lw.dat"        
## [21] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/survey_var.dat"
## [22] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/sw.dat"        
## [23] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/data/dw.dat"        
## [24] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/config/"            
## [25] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/initial/config/model.cfg"   
## [26] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/DATA.bib"                   
## [27] "neacod-2018/bootstrap/SOFTWARE.bib"               
## [28] "neacod-2018/utilities.R"
# Unpack it

# Remove the compressed file as we don't need it anymore

NOTE: It’s possible to have more than one assessment bundle. Just extract the another more assesssment bundles in the current redus-framework/projects directory.

2.5 Configure the assessment

2.5.1 Processing directives

All REDUS Framework configuration is stored in a configuration file redus.yaml. This file should be placed in the redus/ directory of the assessment bundle. The configuration should start with these 3 lines:

  redustools.remote: "http://astarte.imr.no/ocpu/library/REDUStools/"
  survey: "bootstrap/initial/data/survey.dat"

The redustools.remote tells the framework the location of the REDUS Framework API Server endpoint. And survey tells the framework the survey data file that is used in the assessment. Let’s build this using R:

# Create the default configuration
configuration <- list(default = list(
                        survey = "bootstrap/initial/data/survey.dat"))
# Check the output
## default:
##   redustools.remote: http://astarte.imr.no/ocpu/library/REDUStools/
##   survey: bootstrap/initial/data/survey.dat Survey data

To apply processing step to any survey indexes, we must examine the content of the survey file (e.g., bootstrap/initial/data/survey.dat and note down the fleet names (e.g., NorBarTrSur, NorBarLofAcSur, etc.).

The processing mode can be either:

  1. asis: This means that you don’t want to modify the pre-defined data that comes with the assessment.

  2. remote: Choose this to use the official result from the nightly StoX survey time series run. > NOTE: The official results are currently available here: http://astarte.imr.no/ocpu/library/REDUStools/www/imrsts.html . This was generated and served using the REDUStools R package available here: https://github.com/REDUS-IMR/REDUStools.

  3. build: This option will force the survey time series re-processing using StoX/Rstox. For this you will need to fill-in the recipe for the StoX processing. The recipe is an XML document as. See here for more detailed information. Later you will need to save the recipe as an XML file (e.g., NorBarTrSur.xml). See below for an example.

  4. manual: Here you can input manual values in the text format for the specified survey data.

Below are some examples to apply an extra processing to the NorBarTrSur survey index data.

a. Re-Build the index using StoX (build mode)

We want to use StoX to re-process the “Barents Sea Northeast Arctic cod bottom trawl index in winter” survey time series from NMD, using the Recipe XML file available from here: https://git.imr.no/snippets/8.

# Create redus configuration directory

# Prepare XML recipe

# Prepare configuration (YAML)

## Important prefix
prefix <- "survey.update."

## The id of the survey configuration, (1 for the 1st, 2 for the 2nd, etc...)
iter <- 1

## The name of the target survey index
survey <- "NorBarTrSur"

## Process type (can be either 'asis', 'remote', 'build' or 'manual')
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.mode')]] <- "build"

## REDUS Master recipe if mode is set to "build"
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.surveyBuildConf')]] <- "./redus/NorBarTrSur.xml"
### Try to use Age information from the pre-defined data
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.useSourceAge')]] <- "true"
### Try to use Year information from the pre-defined data
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.useSourceYear')]] <- "true"

## Name of the header target in survey.dat file
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.header')]] <- survey

## Leave these two below as empty, these are the manual data input 
## in text mode (each for index and covar)
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.data')]] <- ""
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.data_var')]] <- ""

## We can leave below as empty as this is needed only for "remote" mode
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.stssource')]] <- ""
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.stsdate')]] <- ""

b. Replace an index using the official result (remote mode)

## The id of the survey configuration (2 = second)
iter <- 2

## The name of the target survey index
survey <- "NorBarLofAcSur"

## Process type (can be either 'asis', 'remote', 'build' or 'manual')
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.mode')]] <- "remote"

## These are the necessary directive for the "remote" mode

### Survey time series name (from Dataset Explorer)
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.stssource')]] <- "Barents Sea Northeast Arctic cod bottom trawl index in winter"
### Set a snapshot date if necessary
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.stsdate')]] <- ""
### Try to use Age information from the pre-defined data
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.useSourceAge')]] <- "true"
### Try to use Year information from the pre-defined data
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.useSourceYear')]] <- "false"

## Name of the header target in survey.dat file
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.header')]] <- survey

## Below is not used in the 'remote' mode
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.surveyBuildConf')]] <- ""

## Leave these two below as empty, these are the manual data input 
## in text mode (each for index and covar)
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.data')]] <- ""
configuration[["default"]][[paste0(prefix, iter, '.data_var')]] <- ""

Write the configuration

You must write the configuration back to the assessment bundle.

## Write configuration to the root of the assessment directory
yaml::write_yaml(configuration, "neacod-2018/redus/redus.yaml") Assessment program

To change the assessment program, you need to open the bootstrap/SOFTWARE.bib file and change the source value in the stockassessment item:

# Read Software BIB
df <- bib2df::bib2df("neacod-2018/bootstrap/SOFTWARE.bib")

# Peek the pre-defined program
print(df[1, "SOURCE"])
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##   SOURCE                                  
##   <chr>                                   
## 1 fishfollower/SAM/stockassessment@a295ef2
# Change assessment program to the latest SAM
df[1, "SOURCE"] <-  "fishfollower/SAM/stockassessment@master"

# Write back the change
bib2df::df2bib(df, "neacod-2018/bootstrap/SOFTWARE.bib")

In addition to the above, if you are either using SAM or XSAM, it is necessary to write use.SAM or use.XSAM in the REDUS configuration directory:

# Notify that we will use XSAM
fileConn <- file("neacod-2018/redus/use.XSAM")

# or SAM
#fileConn <- file("neacod-2018/redus/use.SAM")

writeLines("", fileConn)

2.6 Build and run the REDUS Framework container

These are the final step needed to run the assessment. After all the files are ready we can proceed with building the Docker image and run the framework as a Docker container.

# Get back to 'redus-framework' directory

# Select a name for the run 
runname <- "testit"

# Select port for the web services 
port <- 8000

# Build the image
Sys.setenv(RUN = runname, PORT = port)

system("docker build --pull --rm -t ${RUN} .")

# Run the image
system("docker run -p ${PORT}:8888 --name ${RUN} -dit ${RUN}")

2.7 Examine the run

As with the cloud version of the REDUS Framework, the run from the script provides the various Web-based tools, namely: 1. File explorer 2. Terminal 3. Logs 4. Results page

You can instruct R to open the above URLs using your web browser:

# Let's open the File Explorer
browseURL(paste0("http://localhost:", port, "/id/", ID, "/p/workspace/"))

# Let's open the Terminal
browseURL(paste0("http://localhost:", port, "/id/", ID, "/p/terminal"))

# Let's open the Logs
browseURL(paste0("http://localhost:", port, "/id/", ID, "/p/logs"))

# Let's open the Results page (only available when run is finish with success)
browseURL(paste0("http://localhost:", port, "/id/", ID, "/p/report"))

2.8 Stopping the run

Remember to stop the Docker container after you finished to ensure all the memory and disk space used are released:

# Kill the run
system("docker kill ${RUN}")

# Cleaning up
system("docker rm ${RUN}")

2.9 (Advanced) Parsing the status of the run

For the brave soul who likes to tinker more with the program, you can utilize the status information to programmatically get the results and/or cleaning up the run.

You can use a more advanced scheduler such as taskscheduleR package to automate everything.

# Try to print the status
status <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0("http://localhost:", port, "/id/", ID, "/p/status"))

# Show me the results ONLY when the run has successfully finished
status <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0("http://localhost:", port, "/id/", ID, "/p/status"))

# All statuses are 0 means that the pre-processing and the assessment runs
# have been finished without errors.
if(sum(status$redus) + sum(status$assessement) == 0) {
    browseURL(paste0("http://localhost:", port, "/id/", ID, "/p/report"))